Sunday 19 November 2006

Remember I Care

apakah seperti ini cara kamu ngejawab....kalo kamu nggak marah.....
coba dech "AStoria"......apa yang aku omongin semalem apa salah......
coba kamu balikin hati nurani masing - masing....tanya itu di hati kamu......
"Astoria".......aku kurang apa "Astoria" ?

aku pengen kasih kamu yang terbaik tapi.......gimana caranya...

aku bisa ngasih yang terbaik kalo aku sendiri nggak tau apa yang kamu mau.....

aku tau kamu tertutup dan seneng jadi orang tertutup.........


i'm sorry if im not good enough for you....

i'm sorry if i cannot understand you......

how can i be good enough for you if you......yourself dont know what is good and what is not ?

how can i understand you if you dont understand yourself ?

what kind of love do you try to find "Astoria".....sayang kayak gimana yang kamu cari "Astoria"....?

Remember, I Care

How can I tell you what I'm feeling when sometimes, I don't even understand you?

I wish things were perfectly wonderful between us,

But we're going to have to work at it to make them that way.

I do believe we have so much to build on… .

I may not always understand why we have problems, or exactly how to make our relationship stronger,

but I care enough to want us to try to find out.

When the world closes in and lies so heavily upon you,

remember - I care.

When love seems to only bring you pain,

remember - I care.

What cannot be, cannot be, but always,

remember - I care.

Never be afraid to come to me if you have need of the simplest thing! No matter what it is,

remember - I care.


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